1 - बरेली स्मार्ट सिटी - प्र्त्येक भारतीय के मानस में स्मार्ट सिटी की अपनी ही परिकल्पना होती है, जो उस शहर की संरचनात्मक ...More
2 - GREED FOR GREEN - Green building seem to have become synonymous with sustainable design although there is evidence available to suggest that green ...More
3 - BUILDING-EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT - The word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event - whether natural or caused by humans - that generates seismic waves....More
4 - A GREEN ARCHITECTURE - Sustainability is comprehensive therefore a complex subject. Sustainable and eco-friendly architecture is one of the main aims for ...More
5 - THE MAKING OF THE MUGHAL TEMPLE -Govind Dev Temple is one of the most sought after holy places in Vrindavan. The Temple is a speciman of advanced archeology....More
6 - EVAPOTRANSPIRATION FOR URBAN AREAS -There has been an utmost need for a cooling system which can provide a peculiar level of human thermal comfort in urban areas of the ....More
7 - 10 GREAT DESIGN IDEAS FOR TINY TERRACES/LAW -Do you have a small terrace or balcony and want to make the most of the space you have. Awell-designed city terrace can ....More
8 - ENERGY EFFICIENCY -Energy efficiency in building can be achieved through a multipronged approach involving adoption of biclimatic architectureal ....More
9 - THE GREEN BUILDING ENVELOPE "VERTICAL GREENING" -Planting on roofs and fatpades is one of the most innovative and fastest developing field of green technologyies with respect to the built ....More
10 - EARTH QUAKE - Earthquakes constitute one of the worst natural hazards which often turn into disaster causing widespread destruction and loss to human life.The effects of earthquake ...More
11 - POWER GENERATING FACADE - Renewable energy replaces conventional fuels in four distinct areas:power generation, hot water/space heating, transport fuels, and rural (off-grid) energy services...More
12 - GREEN ROOF - The phenomenon of rapid urbanization in India has resulted in urban sprawl and increased urban densities; this increase in urban density causes a reduction in urban open spaces...More
13 - AHHICHATHRAGADH (The Legacy) - From archaeological point of view is crown of the district of Bareilly. The extensive remains of Ahichhatra,the capital town of Northern Panchala...More
14 - YOU LOCATE YOUR NEW HOME -Locating the right plot of land and buying it,is by far thye trickiest of moves in home building Subarban , semi-urban olcations are less dear than 'in city' land...More