Prof. D.C. Thapar
Ar. Manju Goel,
I am extremely happy to know that the Architects at Bareilly are organizing a seminar on ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS as a part of their mega Century Build Expo-09.
Most of the Architects,who are in practice today,studied climatology and its impact on architectural design,during their B.Arch studies. In the recent years,the subject has become increasingly important in the context of global energy crisis,climate change,environmental pollution and global warming.Drinking water storage had further aggrevated the problem.
Architecture to be sustainable has to be energy efficient,sensitive to environment and has to respond to depleting natural resources of our planet. The “Green” movement all over the world,precisely aims at focusing attention on these urgent issues.In India,the energy Conservation Act 2001 and Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) - 2007 have many provisions mandatory for architects to ensure that the buildings they design , have adequate provisions for energy efficiency.
I am confident that this Seminar will help to educate the society, as also all the concerned professionals, to respond to this very urgent issue facing our society today . I congratulate all your members and offer my best wishes for success of this seminar.
We -
The members of Bareilly
Architects Association